Participating in a trade show is a good marketing tool. After all, you bring your company, your product and your message to the attention of your target group in the most focused way possible.


Participating in a trade show costs time, money and energy. When you choose to go to a trade show, it is important to define your business goals. So always ask yourself: "why do I want to participate in a trade show and what do I want to achieve? Make your objectives SMART (specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic, and time-based) so that you can determine after the exhibition whether it was successful.

The main reason for going to a trade show is to get in touch with your target group and to get a specific message across. With the right motives and clear objectives, trade shows offer a good solution here.


Having established that the trade show is the right marketing tool, it is time to choose the right show and set a suitable budget. When choosing the trade show, choose a location where your target group is present in abundance.

To attract the target group to the exhibition stand, it is important to stand out and be distinctive. With a specific proposition and a clear message, you will get the most out of your participation.

At the show, you are in the spotlight and can work on a positive image. It is therefore of the utmost importance that all means of communication are of the highest quality and reinforce each other. With our checklist, we ensure that you think of everything and that you can work on this positive image without any worries. We are also happy to place our knowledge and expertise at your disposal, so that all means of communication fit together and reinforce each other.

 We are there for you.

2FAIR makes your participation in a trade show easy and successful